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Accident and Release of Liability Waiver

The undersigned understand and agree that neither BOLD, Inc., nor its owners, agents, employees, and instructors may be held liable in any way for any occurrence in connection with the Participant’s course of participation in the BOLD, Inc. program, which may result in injury, or loss of or damage to property, to the participant or to the Participant’s family, heirs, or assigns. NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing and in consideration of the acceptance by BOLD, Inc. of the participant (a minor) for enrollment and  participation in the BOLD program, (camp) the undersigned Participant and his/her parent or guardian agree that BOLD, its owners, operators, agents, employees, and instructors shall not be liable in any manner as a result of any personal injuries or loss of damage to property , during the course of the Participant’s participation in the camp. It is also agreed:


  1. The undersigned Participant and his/her parent or guardian, personally assume all risks in connection with such camp, and release BOLD, it’s owners, operators, agent, employees, and instructors, from liability and/or responsibility for any harm, injury, or damage which may befall the Participant while the Participant is enrolled as a student of the camp, including all risks connected herewith, whether foreseen, ordinary or extra ordinary, and further, to save and hold harmless the above mentioned persons from any claim by the Participant or by the Participant’s family, estate, heirs, or assigns arising out of the Participant’s enrollment and participation in the camp.

  2. BOLD reserves the right to terminate the participation of the Participant without refund or credit if BOLD determines that such termination is in the best interest of the Participant or BOLD. BOLD expressly reserves the right to establish and determine rules, regulations, standards of conduct, behavior and performance of Participants while participating in the camp and shall require compliance with such as a condition to continued participation in the camp.

  3. In the event BOLD determines that it is necessary for a Participant to receive medical treatment during the period the Participant is enrolled and participating in the camp, the undersigned hereby consent to any medical treatment or care determined to be necessary by any physician duly licensed to practice medicine in the state of Minnesota. In the event the Participant needs attention from BOLD trainers and not a medical doctor I give consent for the trainer/licensed nurse to administer over the counter drugs to the Participant.

  4. BOLD reserves the right to use any pictures and/or films taken during the camp for advertising and/or instructional purposes.

  5. The undersigned parent or guardian of the Participant acknowledges that he or she has read the above, has explained it to the Participant, understands its content and meaning, and consents to the term and conditions contained herein and consent to the Participant’s enrollment and participation in the camp pursuant to the Terms and conditions herein.           

  6. The undersigned parent or guardian of the Participant and the Participant acknowledges that he or she has fully informed himself or herself of the contents of the Consent, Waiver, Cancellation Policy and agrees to the terms and conditions before submitting the application to the camp. The parent or guardian assumes responsibility for the physical fitness of the Participant and his capability to perform under the conditions of the camp.

Brainerd Lakes Area

Brainerd, MN

©2025 BOLD

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